Eternity Daily Bible Study No. 215 Vision For Mission - 1 To subscribe just send a blank email to: [NB: Training In Cybermissions - 12 week course in Internet Evangelism and Cybermissions, starts October 6th - ] THE FIRST GOSPEL Matthew 4:23-25 MKJV And Jesus went about all Galilee, teaching in their synagogues and preaching the gospel of the kingdom, and healing all kinds of sickness and all kinds of disease among the people. (24) And His fame went throughout all Syria. And they brought to Him all those being badly ill suffering various diseases and torments, and those who had been possessed with demons, and those who had been moonstruck, and paralytics. And He healed them. (25) And great multitudes of people followed Him, from Galilee and Decapolis and Jerusalem and Judea and beyond Jordan. This is the first reference to the gospel in the New Testament (in fact in the entire Bible). In Scripture the first instance of a word often lays down the definition for later use. So when we want to come up with a definition of "preaching the gospel' Matthew 4:23-25 is a great place to start. What is going on here? First of all the gospel is "the gospel of the Kingdom" of a new way of living and being, a new relationship with God exemplified by the Sermon On The Mount and the parables. Secondly the gospel is shown to have power and be effective in meeting real human needs. It is preached not just in word, but in deed - and in deeds of power with healing and deliverance. Thirdly the open-air gospel preaching is accompanied by "teaching in the synagogues" so there was teaching and follow-up. Fourthly the gospel went both to Jews and Gentiles from the start and was international from day one - "And His fame went throughout all Syria...And great multitudes of people followed Him, from Galilee and Decapolis and Jerusalem and Judea and beyond Jordan." Fifthly - the gospel was gladly received by the hearers "And great multitudes of people followed Him." This was not just patient seed-sowing but reaping on an enormous scale. The ministry had large-scale results. At first glance this can be either inspiring or discouraging. On one hand we could be in awe at the power of Jesus, or on the other hand we can feel that such a ministry is impossible for us. But Matthew makes clear, by the sequence of his narrative that this ministry flowed from Jesus' baptism in the Jordan and the endowing with power by the Holy Spirit. This gives us hope for we too can know the baptism of the Holy Spirit and of fire. Pentecost promises power to be witnesses (Acts 1:8) and even today it is still available to us. I am not trying to convert you to charismatic theology (though I believe it). Whether or not you speak in tongues or believe in a post-conversion baptism of the Holy Spirit - you can still find God's anointing and power in ministry. God the Holy Spirit wants to anoint and empower the ministry of His servants. You and I may not heal all people but we can see some people healed - and that is better than no people healed. You and I may not deliver every demoniac, but we can deliver many of them and we can set people free through the name of Jesus and proclaim that "the kingdom of God has come near you. "Luk 10:9 And heal the sick that are in it, and say to them, The kingdom of God has come near you! ". Preaching the gospel is more than just persuasion - it is powerful demonstration. If Jesus had just sat on a hillside and sprouted erudite philosophy He would just be another famous Rabbi, another interesting first-century philosopher and a footnote in erudite history books. But Jesus did not just talk, the gospel exploded in action. The gospel is more than a set of beliefs, it is an active and life-changing encounter with vast spiritual power. People are not converted by philosophical propositions, rather they are converted when they met Jesus face to face and feel His power to change their lives. Paul calls the gospel "the power of God unto salvation". It is saving power, located in a gracious and truthful Person who demands that we repent and believe in Him. This gospel is a gospel of the Kingdom, it is about God's order of righteousness and justice being set up, in a joyous, quiet, organic and loving fashion, amongst the meek and repentant souls who have found faith in their Messiah. There is no angry storming about in this Kingdom, it is not a Kingdom of tanks and armor. It is a gentle spiritual Kingdom that networks its way into unlikely places like Syria and Galilee. When the Kingdom is threatened - no-one fights for it, it is a Kingdom that is "not of this world" and which is not defended by wordy means. "John 18:36 MKJV Jesus answered, My kingdom is not of this world. If My kingdom were of this world, then My servants would fight so that I might not be delivered to the Jews. But now My kingdom is not from here." The gospel was a message of liberation from the spiritual powers that dominated their lives and from sickness, paralysis and madness; it is the demonstration of a power that sets the world to rights and causes people to find hope and live functional lives in peace and joy. The gospel is not about synagogues or churches. It is not a message about a program, a speaker or a church building. It is a message about a Savior who is Lord. The Lord saves, the Lord wields power over the terrible afflictions of our existence - and willingly remove us from their power over us. The two greatest afflictions are sin and death. They can destroy us for eternity. And they are dealt with on the cross. But there are many "minor afflictions" as well and Jesus graciously deals with them as well - "And they brought to Him all those being badly ill suffering various diseases and torments, and those who had been possessed with demons, and those who had been moonstruck, and paralytics. And He healed them. " The gospel is the announcement of good news - that is it is news about the goodness of God breaking through into human existence and when that occurs good things happen - like healing and sanity and deliverance and wholeness and joy and restoration and forgiveness. Jesus came to bring the goodness of God into our lives - so we are not anymore under the power of decay and evil and chaos and "Murphy's Law" but rather our lives are ruled by the immediate presence of the goodness and power and glory and protection of God. The gospel says that the goodness of God is not just stored up in Heaven but is immediately "at hand". The Kingdom is here and now and the goodness of God can be tasted this side of glory. The lame can walk, the blind can see, the lepers are cleansed, and the burdened are forgiven. Our gospel has to give people a taste of Heaven and tangible demonstration of the power and goodness of God. That was the gospel that arrived in Galilee and it has not changed. Blessings, John Edmiston Were you blessed by Eternity Daily Bible Study? To subscribe just send a blank email to: Visit the Eternity Daily Bible Study Archives - Study at the Asian Internet Bible Institute- Free online non-formal, in-service, bible and ministry training: